Since the beginning, The Pink Picnic has had a positive impact for the people and communities within the City of Salford and beyond. Below are some of the impacts The Pink Picnic has had for local people, communities and also the economy.



Over the years our team has gathered feedback from guests on how local people feel the event makes a difference to both themselves and to the wider community. Feedback has shown that people feel the event helps them to feel valued; attending the event makes them feel part of the wider community and helps them know that they are not alone. The event makes people feel proud to be LGBT+ and allows LGBT+ families to enjoy a day together. In 2023 data showed that 47% of guests answered they were more likely to get involved with their local community after attending our event.

When asked how the event makes a difference to the local community, people said; the event strengthens the community, brings people together, builds new friendships and relationships by raising the profile of the LGBT+ community. The event shows Salford is made up of diverse communities, helps promote LGBT+ issues, encourages better acceptance of LGBT+ people, and helps promote community spirit.


Since 2011 when the first Pink Picnic took place, our event has given local people the opportunity to get involved, either by volunteering on the day, or by joining the Salford Pride team in a position throughout the year. Volunteering with Salford Pride allows people to utilise and grow skills they already have, gain new skills and gain vital experience of Event Management and working for a Charity.

The Salford Pride team has grown from a small 5 person team to a 14 person strong Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Since the first Pink Picnic, over 150 people have volunteered with our organisation, helping Salford Pride to deliver our work. Without our volunteers Salford Pride could not deliver the events that are needed to raise awareness and make positive change for LGBT+ people in Salford.



The Pink Picnic attracts people in the thousands, not only from Salford but also from surrounding towns and cities, bringing money into Salford. Our event allows people to bring their own refreshments and therefore encourages people to spend additional amounts locally before the event or on the day of the event to bring with them. This drives additional spending and therefore has a positive impact on our local economy.

In 2024, our event had over 8,000 attendees, if each person on average spent £20.00 - £25.00 on food and beverages either before the event or at the event that would produce an additional £160,000 - £200,000 revenue for our local economy from a one day event.


From the first Pink Picnic our organisation have encouraged local involvement and have prioritised using local businesses to source and hire equipment, infrastructure, materials, technology, etc. Each year our organisation spends thousands locally on event costs, using local businesses helps to support local people and puts money back into our local economy.

Since 2011 our event has put over £250,000 back into our local economy through using local businesses to source materials, equipment, infrastructure, etc and by using local security services, food vendors, caters, alcohol providers to provide security, refreshments and beverages at our event.



Since 2011, our team have worked with businesses, charities, groups and organisations across the Greater Manchester area to support key LGBT+ causes, to improve the lives of local LGBT+ people. From the beginning of the event local charities, groups and organisations have been involved to promote and raise the awareness of local services, groups or organisations delivering services and projects aimed at LGBT+ people. This has allowed service providers and organisations to have vital door-step interactions with the public to promote the work they do and gain local input to help improve their services for LGBT+ people.


From the early days when the event was called Peel Park Pink Picnic our organisation has worked with Greater Manchester Police and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue to try and make our streets safer through education and awareness. Both the police and fire service attend The Pink Picnic with the aim of raising awareness of hate crime, hate crime reporting and fire safety. Attending the event gives local emergency service agencies the opportunity to meet and speak to local people face to face to share information with the public and gain vital information regarding issues that affect local people living in Salford.



In the past Salford has had a negative reputation as a city, people see Salford as being “rough” and “dirty”, however Salford has under gone a massive regeneration with new high end areas such as Salford Quays being built. Throughout the years our media campaigns for The Pink Picnic have been seen my thousands of people. Our team attend meetings, seminars and conferences both nationally and internationally promoting a positive image of Salford to people around the world. Our event brings people into the city and showcases are beautiful green spaces, the friendliness of Salfordians and helps to change people’s opinions of Salford, encouraging people to come back and explore more of what Salford has to offer.

This has a positive impact on tourism by helping to promote the City of Salford to those that weren’t aware of our city and promoting a positive image rather than negative, which in time helps to change Salford’s reputation on a global level.


Peel Park is the home of The Pink Picnic, the event is the biggest event that annually takes place in the park. Peel Park was first chosen as a location for The Pink Picnic due to where it is situated in Salford and the nearby transport facilities for people to get to the park. Before The Pink Picnic the park was a forgotten gem that was barely used due to people not knowing it was on their doorsteps.

Since 2011, our event has helped to increased peoples awareness of Peel Park and helped to encourage people to use the park for recreational use. In recent years the park now has a Friends of Peel Park group and a dedicated ranger to maintain the park and has had major building works completed to improve and restore the area.



The Pink Picnic brings different communities together to celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion in Salford. 70% of those that attend the event identify as LGBT+ and 30% heterosexual. The event has a positive outcome in helping to bring local people together regardless of their sexuality, gender, race and religion, etc to build stronger relationships in the community. People come together to support and celebrate our diverse communities, LGBT+ culture, and continue the fight for true equality.

Education and awareness helps to promote understanding and helps to break down barriers, making our communities stronger and united, rather than divided. Over the years The Pink Picnic has played an important part in helping to strengthen our local communities in Salford.


The Pink Picnic has grown over the years to become a national and international recognised pride event. The work that Salford Pride does and The Pink Picnic’s exposure helps to elevate the profile of our local LGBT+ community. Our online campaigns for The Pink Picnic are seen across the UK by thousands of people, across multiple social media platforms. Our event has had a massive impact on making people more aware of our local LGBT+ community and what’s happening in Salford that’s aimed at LGBT+ people. If people weren’t aware of Salford or Salford’s LGBT+ community in the past there are now due to exposure from our event.

Unlike other cities such as Manchester that has Canal Street the famous LGBT+ area for LGBT+ culture and nightlife, Salford does not have anything similar. Therefore The Pink Picnic allows our local LGBT+ community to showcase Salford’s LGBT+ talent, helps to promote our LGBT+ community and to be a platform for local LGBT+ people to have a joint voice that is heard.